Become One of Our Supply Chain Partners

Kaman Composites Group has a significant requirement to purchase materials and products in order to support our customers needs. Working with customers and our global supply chain, we aim to provide the most cost effective, best value solutions.

We apply our extensive knowledge to constantly minimize risk, reduce inventories, and further develop relationships to meet the demanding needs of our business environment. Kaman works with our suppliers at all levels to develop their capabilities in support of both our own and our customers needs for the future.

Our supply chain teams operate across our global business locations and are striving to secure solutions that ensure we meet the challenges of international collaborative programs. We work with suppliers to satisfy the demands of our customers in all aspects of their requirements. We have an approved network of suppliers with long terms logistical agreements, which enables us to draw upon the strongest capabilities and best value propositions that are constantly delivered by Kaman to all of our customers.

To download the most current Composite Structures Purchase Order Terms & Conditions, please see below:

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The following document only applies to Purchase Orders Originating from our Vermont Composites Group:

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The following document only applies to Purchase Orders Originating from our Connecticut Composites Group:

Contact KAMAN Composites

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    Kaman Composites – Wichita, Kansas
    1650 S McComas Street
    Wichita, KS 67213

    +1 316.942.1241


    Kaman Composites – Bennington Vermont
    25 Performance Drive
    Bennington, VT 05201

    +1 802.442.9964


    Kineco Kaman Composites, India Private Limited
    # 60 Pilerne Industrial Estate, Pilerne, Bardez,
    Goa 403511, India

    +91 832.6648888

    +91 832.6648889
